Hey ladies!

Normally I don't like leaving the summer to get into the winter spirit. I'm that kind of girl that always wants summer but when it's really almost Christmas, I love this cold season a bit more. I'm loving all the christmas decorations now you see everywhere on the street, in the houses and in the stores. It makes the world so cosy in my opinion! Winter has also its good sides :).
These days I burn a lot of candles and I'm always wearing comfy clothes that keep me warm in these cold days. I can really enjoy staying at home the whole day with a blanket and the fireplace burning while I'm watching a good movie. Unfortunately I haven't a lot of time from now on because I have important exams in January so I'm already studying between my classes and work as much as possible. You know what I love to do everyday and makes me feel so good? Every morning I burn the lights in our christmastree as soon as I wake up. It makes everything suddenly so much more cosy! :)
Here are some sneak-peeks of our christmas tree that is always really beautiful.
How do your christmas tree looks like?
Don't forget to love and smile today!
Love, Annelies
I really love your Christmas tree, it's so big!!!! I'm a huge fan of this period of the year!!! My favorite!!!
Thanks, I love just watching at it the whole day, it makes me feel so happy :) Thank you for the comment! Love, Annelies