Happy saturday!
Did you already heard of Tomorrowland or Tomorrowworld? You probably have, because Tomorrowland is one of the most famous festivals all over the world. People from all over the world come to my country to party all together. It's just one big party, with more than hundred different nationalities. I went this summer for the first time and I had a blast! I'm actually not a kind of festival-girl, but this was an amazing experience.
In 2014 the concept of TML is 10 years old and to celebrate this, they decided to make 2 weekends of festivals! It is normally only 3 days of party, but now it will be 2 times 3 days: 17, 18, 19 and 25, 26, 27 July 2014. I was so excited when I heard this!! Because normally the tickets for the 3 days of Tomorrowland are sold out in half an hour (!), and a lot of people get disappointed every year because they didn't got tickets. The sale of the TML-tickets goes SO fast, it's unbelievable! But in summer 2014 we will have more chance, because now we have a total of 6 days partying :). Can't wait to go and I will be ready when the sale for the tickets start in the beginning of 2014! Here are some pictures of this summer when I went to Tomorrowland:
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