Winter TAG

Hi ladies!

Where I live it's normally around freezing point at this time of the year, but this winter is different: it's now still around 10 degrees in the daytime! Maybe the weather will change into a iciness, but for now I really enjoy the mild temperatures. Although the degrees now are not typical for the wintertime, I'm doing my first tag today: the Winter TAG! I will answer a few questions about winter with my own opinion. Here we go!

Do you love cold weather?
I'm a person who prefers warm weather and sunning days. I don't see any advantages of living with cold temperatures. Windy, rainy, cold days are not my favorite, I only love it when it's that cold that it's snowing and I can stay home from school and work.

What are your favorite things about winter?
Staying in a warm cosy house, the holidays with lots of parties with Christmas and New Years Eve, laying in the sofa all day and just watching a movie covered with a fuzzy blanket, drinking hot tea,...

What's your favorite winter beverage?
I love to drink hot lemon tea, that's my go to beverage of these days!

What do you do outside when it's cold?
I actually don't like being outside when it's freezing cold, so when I have to be outside, it's just to go somewhere and I will try to be at my destination as soon as possible so I don't have to feel the cold anymore. The only moment I like the cold weather is when I can wear cute sweaters, scarfs, beanies and other warm clothes that are too warm to wear in summer.

What's your favorite winter scent?
The scent of a Christmas tree, good food at Christmas Eve and the candles with leaves/tree scents.

Is it snowing right now where you live?
No, because of the mild temperatures, it still haven't been snowing this winter in Belgium. But I think it will be snowing in a few weeks.

Favorite clothing item in the winter?
My favorite clothing item to wear in the wintertime is a poncho. It feels like you walk with a warm cosy blanket around you and it is accepted as a coat. I love the one with faux fur!

Favorite winter-memory/-tradition?
My favorite winter-memory is ever since I was a little girl, I looked forward to the first snow of the year. Waking up with a garden full of snow was the start of our tradition: making a snowman with my dad. Actually, my dad did most of the work, I was always playing with the snow and in the end we said it was 'our' snowman ;).

If you want to see more pictures of me and everything in my life, be sure to check out my instagram, with my name: annelies_dp (click on my name to go to my instagram!). 
I hope you liked this tag & feel free to do this tag yourself :).
Don't forget to love and smile today!
Love, Annelies


6 reacties:

  1. Great tag!!!! I can't decide if i prefer summer or winter!!!

    1. Thank you!! Yes, they both have their positive sides I think :) kisses

  2. Anonymous1/26/2014

    Summer is the best :)

    Take a look at our last post if you like!

    Haunting Dresses

    Haunting Dresses Facebook Page

    1. I think so too :). Thank you for commenting!
      Love, Annelies

  3. Love this tag also!:) I also prefer summer!

    1. Thank you!! You can also do this tag if you would like to! :)
      Love, Annelies


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